The Fré Djame hole

The trou Fré Djame or trou du Frère Guillaume, named after a monk, brother William, who is said to have lived there as a hermit, is perched above the Ourthe, giving directly onto a 20 m drop. It is what remains of a tunnel that crossed the rock from end to end and was formed several million years ago. (Text source by Rsi de Hotton)


French French


Rue de La-Roche 107
B-6990 Hotton (Hotton)
50.26631 5.45978 11


To see also

Promenade Hotton - 8- La Porte Aïve

Walking trail Hotton -17- Walk along the stones

Promenade Hotton - 9- Fond des Trottes

Language(s) French

Itineraries around